For more info or to order email us or call 828-733-1641
When we say “Choose ‘n cut,” we mean you choose, and we cut. We can also prepare your tree for your tree stand, bale the tree for easy loading and unloading, and tie it down on your vehicle for you.
We will have safe treats for everyone. Hope to see you soon!
If you have questions, email scott@carolinafraserfir.com or call 828-387-0681.
Wishing you a real tree Merry Christmas!
Up to 5’…….$45
5’ – 6’……….$65
6’ – 7’……….$85
7’ – 8’……….$100
8’ – 9’……..$135
9’ – 10’…….$170
10’ – 11’…..$200
11’ – 12’……$240
12’ – 13’……$300
13’ – 14’……$350
14’ – 15’……$450
This year we have made it easier to locate your perfect Christmas Tree. We have tagged, with a colored ribbon, all trees available for Choose and Cut.
“Undoubtedly the best Christmas trees around! We had the opportunity to do “choose and cut” and the whole experience was amazing! Will definitely be going back every year from now on. Thank you Andrew Cartner for your help in choosing the right tree.”
“I wanted to send you a picture of the tree we cut at your farm a couple weeks. It is now prominently set in the courtyard of the O. Henry Hotel (one of the area’s most prestigious hotels and restaurants) here in Greensboro. We have had many comments on the beauty of this tree and I wanted to share this with you. We appreciate you and Ronnie accommodating us with this request to choose and cut two weeks before the choose and cut farm opened. I know this request was out of the norm, but I wouldn’t go anywhere else and your graciousness was extended as I thought it would. Thank you again for providing us with the ability to take care of one of our best clients. I can tell you, they have already requested us to do the same thing next year. I hope I can call on you and your team again?
In the meantime, I wish you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!”
O. Henry Hotel