For more info or to order email us or call 828-733-1641
We guarantee our trees to be insect free. Prior to harvesting, we treat each tree with an in-home approved product that is safe. We are committed to growing a pest free tree through constant monitoring and responsible control. Click here to view our North Carolina Department of Agriculture Certification.
Our trees are cut low to the ground leaving all the lower branches intact. This provides ample foliage for the customer to remove and use for decorating. They are then carried out of the field by hand, individually baled by wrapping it with twine and immediately transported off the mountain to a shaded and moist holding area.
At our loading area, the trees are watered daily and protected by shade. We carefully manage our trees to guarantee first in, first out, to provide you with the freshest trees possible.
We spend numerous years growing and caring for our trees. Therefore, the brief harvest period is the most critical time in the life of our trees. We take tremendous measures to insure that the freshness is preserved, providing you with the quality Fraser Firs you expect – giving you and your customers the Cartner Difference!
We begin selecting and pruning our trees during the first week of July. Every Cartner Blue Ridge Fraser Fir is individually inspected and selected in the field. We do not clear cut our fields. During the first year a field is harvested from, we individually select the best trees. The same process is repeated during the second year. This allows us to maintain our high quality.
Height is determined by measuring from the ground to the highest lateral whorl considering the taper of the tree. As an illustration, the tree in the picture is tagged as a “red”, 6/7′ tree, because the the hightest lateral whorl falls in between the 6′ and 7′ mark even though the leader stretches up to exactly 8′. Should the highest lateral whorl fall right on an even foot mark, we typically tag the trees at the smaller size range. As an example, if the highest whorl falls right on the 7′ mark, we would typically tag it as a large 6/7′ tree.
Trees selected for harvest are then Individually Hand-Pruned to Decorate™. During the last 1-2 years before a tree is harvested, the trees are only lightly hand-pruned leaving the natural branches. This adds dimension and depth to the tree differentiating our trees from others. 8-10″ of leader growth is then left above the highest whorld. Questions? E-mail us at: Cartner@carolinafraserfir.com
In addition to quality and freshness, we specialize in small orders and can accommodate orders as small as 100 trees of mixed sizes. No order is no small! Our extensive customer base enables us to fit new customers in route, which keeps our freight prices at a competitive rate. We have worked hard to develop our shipping corridors and a vast number of customers are able to share freight costs as a result. We are continually adding new corridors.
Please contact us at 828-733-1641 or email Cartner@carolinafraserfir.com for more information.
Delivery before Thanksgiving Day is our goal unless otherwise requested.